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Monday, June 27, 2011

CBC Captains Assist VTS

Canal Barge Company Captains Simpson Kemp, Terry Hall and Daryl Wheeler assisted the U.S. Coast Guard at a temporary portable Vessel Traffic System (VTS) in Natchez, MS, during the recent high-water conditions. Its purpose was to monitor barge traffic to the north and south of Natchez to ensure vessels obeyed the traffic restrictions. The U.S. Coast Guard and industry groups place portable VTS trailers at critical points in the river system to ensure safe passage of mariners and their cargo during the difficult river conditions. The U.S. Coast Guard relies on industry experts to help provide active monitoring and navigational advice for vessels in particularly confined and busy waterways. Canal Barge Company is proud that our mariners stepped up to assist the industry and help ensure safe navigation of the waterways on which we live and work. 

The Natchez Democrat recently featured an article about the flood damage and the U.S. Coast Guard’s efforts to ensure safe river traffic along the still swollen Mississippi River system that included quotes from longtime CBC Captain Simpson Kemp. To read the article, please click here.